Žádné parametry nepřiděleny pro produkt Karcher SC 3 EasyFix Parní čistič bílý
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Podrobnosti produktu Karcher SC 3 EasyFix Parní čistič bílý:
The SC 3 EasyFix is the fastest steam cleaner of its time and is ready to go after a heat-up time of only 30 seconds. The permanently refillable water tank enables uninterrupted cleaning. The descaling cartridge used autonomously decalcifies the water, thereby increasing the lifetime of the device. The Kärcher SC 3 EasyFix cleans without chemicals and can be used practically anywhere in the home. It can be used on all types of household hard surfaces. Thorough cleaning with the Kärcher steam cleaner removes 99.999% of viruses* and 99.99% of all common household bacteria** from typical household hard surfaces. Its extensive accessories hygienically clean tiles, hobs, exhaust hoods and even the smallest of gaps – including removing stubborn dirt.It also comes with the EasyFix floor nozzle with a flexible joint for excellent ergonomics and lamella technology for perfect cleaning results. Using the convenient hook-and-loop system, the floor cleaning cloth can be effortlessly attached to the floor nozzle and removed again without having to come into contact with dirt. Using two-step steam regulation, the steam intensity can be perfectly adapted to the surface and the dirt.Additional details: accessory storage and parking position for the floor nozzle.
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